What’s the problem?
Do these sound familiar?
- I keep trying to change my life, but my old habits are hard to break
- I want to find a job that lets me express my life purpose
- I meditate and can quiet my mind in silence but I have no inner peace in my life
- I go to a psychic to help guide me, I wish I had the intuition to guide myself
- I often feel stuck or afraid to act or tell others about my great ideas and gifts
- I feel like I get drained by some people and get exhausted in my life
- I want to live with passion, but I just don’t have the energy
- I have been on the self help journey for years and don’t feel that much has really changed
You are not alone.
There’s nothing wrong with you – we are living in a time of confusion where real
inner guidance has lost its power in our lives!
Yes, even in the midst of the biggest consciousness movement.
Imagine if you could…
- Feel totally in alignment with your life purpose because you can actually FEEL it in your body?
- Have inner peace and the congruence of knowing your calling and actions are the same in your life!
- Master the Law of attraction! When you open the 12 doorways to abundance you see you are embedded in infinite possibility not limitation!
- Feel the centered oneness of being totally present in your body, with all your senses alive?
- Put in LESS effort to be happy and successful and experience 20 times the joy and pleasure? (without guilt)
- Have a main line to your most powerful guidance for everything you do in your life through all 12 Gateways
- Raise the energy in any room just by stepping into it!
I’m Rhys Thomas, and I’ve Been Where You Are.
When I changed my life through the study of Energy Medicine, and becoming aware of the 7 chakras and the 5 spiritual levels of my consciousness. I now know how to hold my energy field like a master.
Amazingly I had been doing spiritual and martial arts work for many years before I found this system. Once I started doing this work though I advanced 20 times faster than anything I had seen before.
I have been doing this work now for over 13 years, and I still find that to stay conscious and keeping my energy high and charged is not easy in such a chaotic world. Using the Crystal Bowl Tones and being able to see the chakras at work in my life has changed everything.
Even if you have done chakra work before, you have never done work like this! Chakras are not just for healers and guru’s, they are your guidance system in your life, all you need to do is figure out how to feel and hear them.

I have found that using chakra toned crystal bowls are the most powerful resource on the planet for experiencing and learning to harness the power of your chakras and energy body.
Awakening is simply being able to feel your life as it is, where it is and realize that everything you need is here now, and everything that is happening is guiding you to make your life even better.
I was a person who was often lost in my thoughts and dreams and spiritual dimensions in life and not connected to my body. Now I realize that my body and mind and spirit are all part of the same system. It’s called the human Aura. Everyone has one, and just by having one we have the capacity to be masters and saints. I am likely not going to be either in my lifetime but just the small amount of consciousness that I have attained through the Rhys Method and have changed everything in my life for the better.
I have used the Rhys Method in my school, the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine, and have seen the amazing transformation in the students and their ability to hold their energy fields and live with 20 times the energy and passion.
I and hundreds of my students and thousands of crystal tone students are living proof that a little work can go a long way. Being self actualized and awakened isn’t just for the super gurus, it’s for everyone!
Because, think about it….
what would it feel like if your were the change you wanted to see in the world?
What if just by being you and feeling your energy, you instantly could make others
feel great too!
Being awakened to who you really are is the essence of all great leaders.

What if people felt somehow more alive and energized when around you?
Would that be good for business? For your relationships?
Yes, the implications are exciting!
But never mind them, what about you…how would it feel to be you?
This is exactly why I want to share this very special and very unique method of personal healing and transformation!
This is the first time I have shared this information in this way with the world. Most of my work has been kept secret up until this point and only used for my students.
Its’ time now for this information to be out in the world!

Gateways and Chakras
The 12 Gateways To Your Life Purpose is the bridge to bring your inner and outer purposes together. The 12 gateways, also known as chakras, teach you how to understand and accelerate that alchemy and self integration.
Each chakra when awakened is like a window to the soul. Each one holds one piece of the puzzle to knowing who are in each moment. Each one has a unique language that must be learned before we are able in integrate them into our lives to get a deeper sense of what who we are here to be and what we are here to do.
The chakra toned crystal bowls vibrationally match each chakra and act as amplifiers for those voices. Through meditation and regular use of the bowls and studying the feelings and visions that emerge from each chakra level, you can learn your true language of origin. You.
There have been many great minds that have given us volumes on what chakras are and I have read every word. Now, my contribution is to give you a direct line to “knowing” them not thinking about them. I wanted more than the ideas, I wanted to live through them. So I tested their theories directly through my full spectrum healing work and by using the amazing sound healing tools of crystal bowls.
I incorporated the crystal singing bowls that were tuned to the 7 chakra notes and 5 spiritual levels of conciousness, as prescribed by the mystic seers and my training in full spectrum healing, into my healing work with clients and the result was astounding. I found that with the right combinations of Chakra tones and the right healing intention, I could facilitate clients to have direct experience of the chakra, not just the mental understanding or visualization of them.
I use crystal bowls rather than the more popular metal Tibetan bowls because the human body is almost 100% made of crystalline structure from the bones in the body that use crystalline structures for their amazing strength to the fluids in the body that are liquid crystals and in so being can uniformly bond to each other in a supportive way.
As my clients would listen to the tones in a relaxed state, their experiences at each tone would match their life experience in metaphoric ways.
Each experience had profound meaning and effect on the healing and awakening of each client.
Through their experiences and awakening through the tones, they were being given direct knowledge of how they were either blocked in that chakra or what it would feel like to live fully in it. Nothing I could have said could have matched the direct guidance they got from their chakras about their life. Each person was literally creating the language their soul uses to guide them in their lives.
As I listened to hundreds, and then thousands of people tell me about their experiences in reaction to the tones of the crystal bowls and healings something deeply consistent began to crystallize in my consciousness. I was being taught about the chakras by the chakras. This went beyond simply learning more facts. I truly felt like I was being downloaded the knowledge of the chakras the way the mystics in India must have stumbled upon them through their meditation, chanting and using sounds to navigate the human energy field and consciousness.
Knowing how your chakras work and how to listen to them used to take 30 years of meditation practice. Even then, this would often only lead to being able to hear one or two of them. However, I have found that listening to the chakra toned crystal singing bowls passively can create powerful change in a very short time. You can become both well versed in how your chakras work and feel and know how to enlist them in guiding you on toward your life purpose.
Not knowing your Life Purpose is at epidemic proportions in the world!
What’s the Solution?

This training by Rhys Thomas will give you a step by step walk through your energy field and how you can make it your ally.
Your energy body, your Aura has only one purpose, to tell you in every moment what your life purpose is. All you need to know is how to interpret it. The 12 Gateways to Your Life Purpose is direct training on how to do just that.
Here’s what the 12 Gateways to Your Life Purpose package includes:
- 3 hours of video lecture and chakra experience on the 12 Gateways to Your Life Purpose ($297 value)
- 3 hours of audio lecture and chakra experience on the 12 Gateways to Your Life Purpose ($197 value)
- Companion Book to the 12 Gateways to Your Life Purpose, with even more information than on the Videos and Audios! ($89 value)
- 3 Rhys Method® Crystal Bowl Healing Meditations Powerful energy medicine to support your progress.
Embracing Your Life Purpose ($12 value)
Touching Our Soul ($12 value)
Full Energetic Balance ($12 value) - Rhys Method® Crystal Bowl 12 Gateway tones MP3 to find your core tone. ($25 value)
- Easy downloads of the entire product for your iPod, computer or iPad.
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